ffmpeg is a powerfuly CLI tool. It has helped me many times. Assuming that it is installed.
Question: How to covert a video file to an audio file using ffmpeg in Linux
$ ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 output-audio.mp3
$ ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 output-audio.wav
Note: Supports most of the audio formats.
Question: How to increase the audio quality or amplfying the audio in a video using ffmpeg.
$ ffmpeg -i 'input-video.mp4' -vcodec copy -af "volume=30dB" 'output-video-30db.mp4'
set volume appropriately as 10/20/30/40 DB depeding on how much audio you need to amplify in your input-video file. This works amazing well. You would not believe it.
Tata, See you.
Question: How to covert a video file to an audio file using ffmpeg in Linux
$ ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 output-audio.mp3
$ ffmpeg -i input-video.mp4 output-audio.wav
Note: Supports most of the audio formats.
Question: How to increase the audio quality or amplfying the audio in a video using ffmpeg.
$ ffmpeg -i 'input-video.mp4' -vcodec copy -af "volume=30dB" 'output-video-30db.mp4'
set volume appropriately as 10/20/30/40 DB depeding on how much audio you need to amplify in your input-video file. This works amazing well. You would not believe it.
Tata, See you.