Monday, November 23, 2009

E: Couldn't find package on #apt-get install update

warrior:/home/rajz# apt-get install

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree      
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package

This is may work by doing
#apt-get install update
but if the above error repeats for this command too.. then.
System>Administration>Software  sources (need root password)
In third party software tab click add
deb lenny main
In Debian software make sure download from  is 'Main Server'
close it. click Reload. (This is important)
Open a new terminal window (close the existing terminal if any)
run the apt command again. It will work !

Sunday, November 22, 2009

mount windows partitions on Linux (Debian)

Install the necessary pakages (both are *important*)
#apt-get install libfuse2

#apt-get install ntfs-3g
 to find the drive use:
#fdisk -l | grep NTFS
/dev/sda1               1        5222    41945683+   7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda5            5223        7833    20972826    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda6            7834       10444    20972826    7  HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda7           13056       15013    15727603+   7  HPFS/NTFS

then mount the drive using command: (assuming that /home/rajz/disk folder exists. If not create it . mkdir /home/rajz/disk )
#mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /home/rajz/disk
To unmount a drive (remember its umount & not unmount )
#umount /dev/sda1
To auto mount a dive at start up u have to edit /etc/fstab add following lines. Assuming that if i want to auto-mount  /dev/sda1 on /home/rajz/disk. You have to be a root user to edit that file. Use your favorite editor. I'm using gedit for now.
#gedit /etc/fstab
make changes like:

/dev/sda1       /home/rajz/disk           ntfs-3g    defaults        0       2

After making changes to file (if u want mount it after unmounted ). use simply. (lengthy command is not needed now as linux knows about sda1 & its filesystem, its mount point or target)
#mount /dev/sda1
Thanks to

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Install flash player 10 on Debian/Ubuntu

Install Adobe flash player 10 for Firefox/Iceweasel on Debian/Ubuntu

1. Uninstall the existing plugin using
# apt-get autoremove flashplugin-nonfree
2. Close all Firefox/Iceweasel windows (must)

3. Download the flash 10 plugin from here (or try this)

4. Use this command to install
#dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb         
5. If you encounter this error
dpkg: error processing adobe-flashplugin (--install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
user this to resolve the dependencies
#apt-get -f install

6.That it check whether flash player has installed correctly here. Also note your version.

Sincere thanks to

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to install themes on Ubuntu/Debian

Well well! This is my first Linux How TO.

If you get bored of looking at you default desktop theme and wallpaper then here is my suggestion. Now , I am going to demonstrate u how to change ur Linux(mostly all distros but i tried in Debian/Ubuntu) into a colorful looking one. As i have already installed my favorite collection (Slickness theme-MashupMaXo icons-minimalisticea wallpaper). I would demonstrate to you with a simple collection

For this tutorial i have used the following
Darker theme
Erectus icons
minimalisticea wallpaper

Download list
Download from here for Debian/Ubuntu (
1.Download GTK themes (panel color & look of each window)
2.Download icons (for iconic view of folder/disks)
3.Download wallpapers (obvious)
4.Download GDM theme (for login screen)

1.Downloaded GTK theme package.
2.Right click on desktop select change background. Select theme tab and click install select the downloaded theme pakage
3.After installation the theme to visualize/apply it
4.Downloaded icon package/files
5.Extract the package you will get a folder. Copy & paste inside /home/rajz/.icons folder? (user address bar /home/user/.icons folder or else try using cp/mv command in terminal)
6.Right click on desktop select change background. Select theme tab and click customize option, icons tab then select the name of downloaded icon package
7.Similarly right click on desktop select change background. Select background tab and click image u want (even browse for your favorite image through add button)
8.Right click on desktop select change background. Select theme tab and click save as option. Give the suitable name and save it.
9.Download GDM theme
10.Now we go for login screen selection.System> Administration> Login Window. Select local tab. Click add button & select the package
11.After that select radio button of your added theme

Thats it every thing is done !
Show it t our friends and amaze them. Make them ask "Is this Linux ? Is this Debian/Ubuntu?" end of my 1st how to

Monday, September 21, 2009

Met stylesen & c0le on FStival' 09

I know that I am blogging after a long period of time. There is a valid reason for it because yesterday (09/19/2009) FStival'09 was conducted by CSE department in our college. There are many situations i have felt for not being a CSE student. Because, they have sophisticated lab (practically see all the kinds of server there) more importantly labs that don't close at 4:30. Great passion developed in me due to FStival'07 which i attended during my 2nd year. That made me to use only GNU/Linux based software's for almost all my day today works. Their is no turning back from then on. I still use Hardy Heron in my Laptop.

Well Let's get to point. I had an opportunity to talk with most important and prominent persons behind TCENet project (an award winning project of our college). I found Senthil Kumaran and Joe Steeve were still (remotely) working on this TCENet project which i came to know from TCEwiki and tce's mailing list Archives (i spent a whole night reading all old mails). I have heard about the version control systems like Subversion, CVS, GIT but never used it. TCENet is maintained using Subversion (a product of CollabNet) and these people are still contributing to it remotely. Also I found that any one interested can contributed to TCENet project, for that you need not be CSE student or need not go to Unix lab even. I hope that i will contribute to it too. Also joined most of the TCE's mailing list.

I have talked with them and i also shared my interest with them. stylesen anna advised me to startup with a simple project(i.e writing docs for pidgin). I was wanting for support from the staff members which they advised me not expect such. I grasped all those ideas given by them and will act accordingly. These moments with those great people was one of the happiest moments of my life. Taking to stylesen anna was one my long term desire...I am very happy today :-).

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

TecUthsav '09 with seniors

Yet another rememberable day ! TecUthsav’ 09 (a national level symposium) of IT department of our college (TCE) conducted on 17/02/2009

i m happy that i too was one among the panellist worked for ITunleashed event. Though I know few seniors I don’t have any kind of interaction like this before this was good. It was a very good experience working with our senior especially naga akka , head for ITunleashed event. She was very polite and very inspiring with the way she talked with contestants and with way she managed to conduct the whole event. With a smile too. :) Wonderful character! I learned a lot from her traits. Thanks to that akka (Nagalakshmi). And few other coordinator seniors like alagapan , murali, sai and many. Good cooperation given by all my friends’ ramkumar, sathes, senthil, venky, anish, dinesh & some 2year junior friends.

I thought of narrating it all the incidents but I make it short. I reached college soon went to hostel after having breakfast at canteen. Took some snaps & then with red tied ramkumar started to the department. But went to k S auditorium as sunder anna called there. The inauguration function supposed to start. After some time it started Hod , Abhai kumar sir also talked about the recession.Our chief guest was Dr.Kumar Padmanab senior research assistant of Infosys. He gave speech on his areas of wireless sensors. we ( ram & myself ) went to our dept lab in the middle for that event.

Viduran(viduka) was there and 4 contestants were there writing there round-1 (i don’t know how luckily they missed the inaugural fn) then we joined ITunleashed crew. Inauguration was too long....When the function was completed with the entire contestant our web development lab overflowed. I m sure that only our dept had most of participants (than other) nearly 100 members turn up! I helped filling some registration works and gave some instructions to the participants.

Fun starts from here on. Some participants had no pens to write the answers ....we are pulled in to situation where we have to sacrifice all our pens... Somehow managed with the spares one we have got. Of which most of them were naga akka's ! lol ! Even ram missed his sister gifted pen. At a point of time viduka too was searching his favourite pen. Thank god i didn’t miss my red tinted Reynolds Jetter pen presented by dad. That not just a pen full of ink but it was full of love and affection!

Then I helped in sending sms to selected list of candidates and preparing rank list for next round somehow prelims concluded but beyond scheduled. Our friends along with me prepared the systems for round 2. Meanwhile we (ram & me ) sneaked through to get our lunch..Ah we were lucky enough to have lunch as it was about to close. Even naga akka was come for lunch only when we were eating. I was very hungry as I missed morning refreshments’ too. Then went back to lab, meanwhile we also went to take groups photo (most of the boys were there). I don’t know what’s wrong with girls as they were not present. Left there & then joined back. Surprise final was a surprise for us as none know about that round whether offstage or onstage. It was supposed to be conducted in K.S.Auditorium but all of a sudden change in decision from onstage to off stage. It was conducted at one of the A halls and I was doing some writing work there. Then I joined to see the cultural programs as the well final round was done. As it was getting late I left in the middle.

We are planning to conduct all the competitions in cleaner manner next year with all well equipped to face any situation as everything will be computerized!!
Yet another joyful day!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happiest day in my college life

Great day in my college life and happiest day too!! Collage one of the events for quest'09 (Event for exhibiting talents of school children). I was named one of the coordinators’ for this event.

The theme for this year Quest is Abdul kalam's PURA (Providing Urban Amenities in rural areas). I will talk about all my today activity (I have given almost care to bring a meaningful correlation.). I managed reach collage by 11 a.m IST. At first i saw ramshaker who was in the display desk editing the ppt, Later i saw prabha who was doing nothing but sitting and admiring the mistakes of students in Getha Chanting. After a small talk with him I moved to the Time management desk where I is saw pavendan(mech). After having some snack with him I moved to see the bottle filling event and their's also sack race conducted beside. Then i moved to see udhaya in Tamil elocution where i also found vijay and saravana. I was stunted by great speech of a school girl (really i don't know her name ; I felt that she would have won some prize definitely )

Then i moved to see my event coordinater head. It was said that haridass. so i called him up, talked to him very very politely (as i don't know him :)). i said to near Octagon(TCE main building) . To my surprise its Udaya-Ramkumar's roommate Hari :-). I have talked with him earlier i know him well but i don't have his no (Eventually when one is expecting an unknown person; and u see the person u know already then it’s was really a surprise). Then we meet up all the team members (myself , Hari dass, Sangli Muthu, Ellakya and Raji ). Girls went off for having lunch but I thought of going later. We got things from store room charts, papers, gums, awards 4 judges (jury) everything. We safe gauding those things in pump house, venue for collage. But there was art from waste going so we were waiting. muthu went for lunch as we (me and hari) decided to go when he returns . Meanwhile we were seeing the talents 'art from waste' contestants. By the time Muthu came we came to know that we will not be going for lunch as our event is about to start. Girls also joined later. Our event collage was supposed to start by 2 p.m(end by 3.30 pm) but there was the delay in arrival of jury. (this problem happened for us too but in different style). so eventually this delayed our start. We started a bit late (10 min) than scheduled. Hari, muthu and me were distributing the necessities to students. We then did some seating arrangements.:)

Girls done the work of registering the participants names. I was instructed the team regarding the rules. Some students were complaing about the delayed start when we asked them to complete but 3.30. so at last we convinced somehow. There came another prob. v was not informed of the jury's name. It was said that our head mahendran will take care of that. There are totally 3 judges or them 2 are student judges and 1 is faculty judge. But to our surprise there were 4 student judges present and so v wanted extra copy for faculty (later we Xeroxed it) . so two of them agreed to evaluate on same sheet as they were friends. we were asked to complete the evaluvation with student jury's itself .(relief :)) . Then after distributing the memento to jury's we all (boys and girls) averaged and prepared the winners. And v left our team saying thanks. Then later Xeroxed and gave always the attendance and winners list to the respective desks.

oh then we (boys) for cateen ( very hungry )and after having fruti took a snap (but muthu left for some work). I asked hari to drop me at bus stop (he had vignesh scooter. there was only limited petrol he said). but i didn’t leave him so agreed as expected scooter stopped at pillaiyar temple. i walked to stop after saying thanks. i got bus went standing to reach periyar. There i got bus no 70 and reached my home

And here is the funniest thing. I didn’t attend any coordinator meetings so eventually they removed my name from short-listed coordinator list which i know only any the last !! Nevertheless it was all funny today. I am really very very happy today.I have even exceeded my 100 free sms’s today for sharing my happiness. Any way I am proud of being one amoung the coordinator in contributing to college ! :).I learned my things like managing time,convincing students, coordinating judy's,etc. This is my first step !

Last Post !! Moved to new site

As I am getting old 😋, it seem like I can not remember many of my earlier tech encounters. This is the place I was logging so that I refer ...