Friday, October 9, 2015

Configure IITM's CSE Department mail on Andriod

Warning: This post is now obsolute/out of date. As CSE Department@IITM has moved to GSuite June 2019. 
Configure just like you conffgure your Gmail/Smail.

Going to follow K.I.S.S policy. DIY seeing snapshots below. That's it. Thanks! 
Caution: Don't change any default ports.. Just edit the server and security type alone as below. Email-ID =
Step 1- Open Gmail App> Settings>Add account>   IMAP/POP3(or Choose IMAP) > Email-ID/Password > IMAP  (I have choosen IMAP. But it should naturally work  for both)
Step 2(In settings)- Email ID > Password> > SSL/TSL (Accept all cert).
Step 3(Out settings)- Email ID> Password> > STARTTLS (Accept all cert)

K.I.S.S - (Keep It Simple Stupid) 
DIY - (Do It Yourself) 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

New avatar - Tech Blog

This was my first blog in Blogspot. However for many months I have not posted anything here. I just had this weird thought, why don't I post technical stuff that I get to know or learn every day. So that it might help someone or me some day (or even never! i don't mind! ;-) ).

Cheers, See you. :-)

Last Post !! Moved to new site

As I am getting old 😋, it seem like I can not remember many of my earlier tech encounters. This is the place I was logging so that I refer ...